I Can't Keep Doing This
I can't keep doing this.
My mind is blurry.
My thoughts drift, from
Will there be chocolate chip muffins?
How soon can I get back to my book?
Maybe I can take a nap during math today.
I do not want to think.
I just want to be.
To let my mind wake up and start processing information.
I don't have that luxury.
I can't keep doing this.
Five days a week, I drag myself
from a cocoon of warmth and blankets
to several hours of uncomfortable seats
and forcing my tired brain to keep
the knowledge being shoved at me.
I sit, listening to teachers who move too quickly through their lessons
and don't seem to understand
that I don't care as much about their subject as they do.
I can't keep doing this.
Between a day of schoolwork,
an evening of homework,
and an afternoon full of
extracurricular activities because society says I need them
Where am I supposed to find time for me?
From where am I supposed to steal time
to give myself a break.
To recover from the stress of people and living
and still have time
to sleep.
I can't keep doing this!
I will not be a mathematician or scientist
no matter how hard you shove those subjects down my throat!
I do not need geometry to stand on stage
and slip into the skin of a character in a play.
I do not need physics to study a speech from the Bard
and say it in a way to convey it's meaning
to people who no longer use these words.
To forcibly teach me what I do not need
hinders me in learning what I do.
I do not need to study and learn everything so
I can't keep doing this.
My thoughts are not others thoughts.
My interests are my own.
I know my path in life and I know how to follow it.
You treat all students the same,
expect one teaching method to work for everyone.
And when it doesn't;
and when a student needs more than ten minutes help;
you tell them to figure out what they are doing wrong
and to fix it.
It is not the students fault if they cannot learn
an entire lesson in forty-five minutes
or not at all.
It simply means the method of teaching must change.
From the very beginning
to the very end
something needs to change.
And it isn't the students.
I can't keep doing this.
So I won't.