by James Hamilton-Lugo
It's going to snow?
In case the roof caves in, where's my oboe?
I don't care about products in my hair
I just need my oboe for my flare
I play it fast, play it slow
It doesn't matter how--but where I am, it too must go.
It's music I need, music for my soul
Without my oboe, life goes into a hole
It keeps me up, happy and alive
Without it into sadness I would dive
I must have it,
My music, my theme, my song
No, I cannot go--not here nor there
Not without my oboe!
I need one for college very soon
My oboe music makes my heart swoon
I want to teach others to play
I want to be a music teacher someday.
Regal sounds of a queen's procession
My oboe can make an impression
Thunderous vibes of a classical march
My heart and my oboe together charge.
Into a classroom we will someday go
Me with my oboe where we can play
And where our path leads to charm the class I teach
To help others love music and into high inspiration reach!
But when the senior year is done
My oboe, my friend --we were one
It goes back to the high school storage
And without the oboe
I don’t know
Will I be a wreckage?
A new one must arrive
So I don't take a dive
I must have it for fall
When the first class of college calls.
I fill out scholarships and write a poem
And jump through hoops with decorum
I must have money for college so I can go
I cannot go without an oboe!