I Busted A Chifferobe
I saw a chifferobe
One made of pale hickory
That shimmered with clean
Said to be magical
And smelled of caffeine
Forsaken among the young
And murmurs with the old
It guides one's tongue
And makes them look bold~
I busted the chifferobe
I was told not to
But I enjoyed every scene
Of wood that shattered
And savored it like a cuisine~
All my selfish desires
Are riddled against my cheek
My eyes were filled with lust
That grew foggy as the creek
I laughed to myself
With the silent dark room
Staring at the mirror
That pointed to my tragic tomb~
Fatigue took hold of my head
And whispered lovingly in my ear
With her sickening dread
Of wonderful feelings
Of going on ahead~
Days stream forward
With the thick blue skies
And nights filled with horror
Move slowly, trudging on by~
I prayed to my God
Asking for forgiveness
Of the innocent things
That I thought were harmless~
I called for a doctor
Called for my mother
I called for my father
But none seemed to bother~
My soul drips of pain
Rhythmic blues turned into rain
Feeding my once barren lands
Into bountiful, shameful plains~
The world I live in is lonesome
It makes hell seem colder
It's crowded with people I don't know
And what I don't know is always plenty
Now only warm memories
Can patch the wounds of my sinful heart
It watches them like television
And enviously sulks casually in the dark~
Life has gone gray
I dare look back now
At the pitiful, unmoving moment
Of when I set my eyes
On the hickory wood chifferobe