I AM...a Dreamer
Words touch my heart,
they leap into my head
with vivid images
as I gaze into a world
that is not real.
A world where I have
crowned myself king,
making those inconsiderate to me mad
because I lock them behind
golden bars so they’ll never escape.
I do not wish my world full of hate.
So all of them must perish
under my power.
It is I who controls all fate
inside my soul.
And I know- I’ve been told
it’s not real;
but this dream land makes me feel
like no other person can.
Many try to lend a helping hand,
to pull me out of this merciful land.
But I won’t,
I can’t ever leave
this identity I’ve built over time.
It seems to be my only life line.
And so they call me,
a dreamer.
They know how to hurt me.
They know they can.
But I’m here to tell them:
I’m proud of who I am.
And I won’t ever change.
I refuse to be the same
as my brothers and sisters
outside my fantasy land.