I Am Who I Am
I’ll begin with telling you who I’m not,
Although, sometimes I like to smoke a lot of pot.
It dowses me in a state of peace,
Keeps me from transforming into a beast.
Shit, it helps me see and think straight,
Unlike the guy who reeks of booze, on the corner of eight.
If you listen close, I’ll tell you who I’m not,
I’d rather starve than see a child go hungry,
I’ve been there before that’s why I’m in no hurry; no worries.
I have too many useless queries.
I’m introverted and fuming with self-hate,
My questions are never eased by those who relate.
If you’re willing to learn, I’m not a sunflower,
My perception of the world is gun powder.
It doesn’t bother me to see bad humans suffer,
It bothers me when an animal gets hit,
Or an innocent life is slaughtered.
It’s the pain a mother feels when called a bitch,
By her nine year old son or daughter.
By now, you still have no idea who I am,
I could say just about anything to draw you in.
I can tell you how corrupt the world is,
And that it’s a direct reflection of the omniscient wiz.
Even worse, all the magic and might has died,
It’s no more than a fizz.
Let me tell you who I’m not,
I don’t profit on disease, wars, or crops.
My pockets are free and clear of fear,
The only thing that makes me worthy are my tears.
My identity can’t be stamped with labels,
I won’t lie to gain fame or turn tables.
At the end of the day, these things play through my mind.
I still can’t understand, why we’re not holding hands,
With all walks of life.
I still can’t determine, why diversity has destroyed faith,
Better yet, why people allow for such a fate.
I’ll tell you who I am,
I’ve already opened up about who I’m not.
I could sit and cry for hours and rot.
I choose not to, I’m the only one who can save us,
Change us, and mold us; behold us, something better is to come.
I’m the only one who can be there as a friend.
I’m that person who listens to you all day or until the very end.
Forget the judgments and the poison people spray,
Whose own fictitious values and moralities, burn up in flames.
Who I am, is to see past realities threshold,
To become one with the only universal law I’ve ever known.
Love; something so rare and undermined too often,
The source of my existence and the essence which softens.
So, I'll ask you, who am I?
Someone who has no filter, who never gives up on trials.
I would rather die in nature,
Than be enslaved by society’s filters.
I was built to be something more,
Than what people observe me to be.
I’m not my human body,
Nor my hands that greet, or a face that smiles sweet.
I’m not even my heart that beats calmly,
As I fall asleep.
I’m a soul who borrows,
I'll experience all before I transcend life.
I’m pure light, on an infinite journey that has no end.
I have #NoFilter,
I just am who I am.