I Am a Tree

I am a tree.

Created as a miracle, carried with the breeze to my unknown fate.

I am a tree.

Lying seemingly dormant, slowly ascending my way into the world.

I am a tree.

Absorbing rays of sunlight as I tear my way out of my safe space.

I am a tree.

A small seedling struggling for it’s place among the crowded Earth.

I am a tree.

Steadily reaching higher towards the sky as time passes.

I am a tree.

Sprouting it’s first leaves, full of life and future.

I am a tree.

The young bark receiving its first tallies.

I am a tree.

Wind relentlessly beating it’s fists, attempting to topple it over.

I am a tree.

Rugged crevices receiving welcoming rays of sunlight.

I am a tree.

Sprouts unfolding among the blue spring skies.

I am a tree.

Finally splattered with pink blossoms reaching towards the sun.

I am a tree.

Developing a chill as green fades away.

I am a tree.

Chestnut, scarlet, and amber leaves painting the barren land.

I am a tree.

The first frost creeping along the ground, embracing all life in it’s unwanted grasp.

I am a tree.

Fragile twigs snapping, delicate leaves cracking, dancing freely to the ground below.

I am a tree.

Rooted naked among the lifeless wreckage.

I am a tree.

Always transforming, infinitely existing.

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