I Am So Much More Than That
I am…
A first born
A big sister
Better than most, but definitely not the best
A first generation college student
A flamingo in a flock of pigeons.
I am the 3 year old that knew all the words to the BoDeans in the back of my mom’s blazer.
I am the sassy and talkative 4 year old that didn’t know her first name was really Cassandra.
As a child, I was a terror.
I was Taylor Swift’s number one fan.
I was an unsuccessful dancer, a mediocre singer, an average musician, and an excellent student.
I’m a band geek at heart.
I was a french horn player,
Then I was a guitar player,
Then I was a trumpet player,
Then I was a ukulele player.
I was the quiet goody-two-shoes teacher’s pet, but now
I’m the obnoxious, clever, sassy one that can’t stand teacher’s pets.
I’ve learned my worth, so
I am no longer a naïve geeky girl.
I am a strong independent young woman that just happens to like geeky things.
I’m a curly haired 19 year old.
I am a Slytherin.
I am a giggle twin, a nickname given to my best friend and me by our 8th grade Algebra teacher.
I am a little sister to my friends that are more like big brothers, and
I’m that girl that asked a guy to prom with a story riddled with puns, because he’s a punny guy.
I’m that artsy kid that got peer pressured into taking two years of calc by her science-y friends.
I’m drawn to people that like science, and
I don’t understand it, but
I can understand the sciences, and
I like science, and
I appreciate the sciences, but
I just cannot convince myself to go into a science career, so
I’m filling the science void in my life with science people like my roommate and interesting articles.
Soy una estudiante que estoy estudiando español en la universidad, pero
I also study Communications.
I am riddled with nostalgia and sentiment in my first year of college when I think of my old memories.
Mentally, I’m well into adulthood, and
I am a twenty something at heart, possibly 30. What can I say? I like my freedom, but
Physically, I’m a college student that can’t wait to be the cool aunt that travels and buys the best gifts, because
I'm a traveler, but
I’m also content with enjoying the poor college student life for now.
I am a letter writer despite the sad realization that people rarely write back these days.
I am appreciative, but I’ve only just started to let people know how much.
I am anxious and hopeful no matter how many times I’m kicked down.
I am firm in my belief that no one should be called “stupid” because the damage is irreversible.
I am so fortunate to have such successful and purely good people in my life, so
I think silver linings are so goddamn important, even if
I usually don’t see them right away.
I am riddled with mistakes.
Sometimes I am a riddle,
Sometimes I’m a song,
Sometimes I’m a poem that no one can quite agree on the symbolism, and
Sometimes I’m a good book you can’t put down.
I just really, really like words.
I rely on my words to convey everything we feel and believe, and
I’m never quite sure when to shut up.
I’m a people person, and
I’m a talker, and
I act on my passions, so
I’m impulsive, quick-witted, and
I utilize BS more than I should.
I am a social media enthusiast.
I’m an over thinker and a professional worrier.
I am a self proclaimed artist, and
I’m a novelist, but
I’m bad at finishing things.
I write to remember things, but mostly,
I want people to remember me.
“Cassie is classy, sassy, and a bit smart-assy,” my friends would say, but
I am so much more than that.