I am a Rapist?
I am a Rapist?
I wake up every day at five in the morning
Picking the grapes from the vine from sunup to sundown.
At night I lay on the hay in a barn
Trying to fall asleep as the stench of the animals creeps through my nose.
My life is tough
"They are rapists... And some I assume are good people"
I work 12 hours a day just to make ends meet.
I get paid far below minimum wage, but I have no choice.
Most of my money gets sent to my family in Mexico
I live off two meals a day and six hours of sleep.
Mr. Trump, who have I raped?
"Well, somebody is doing the raping! Who is doing the raping?"
Why don't you look at the millions of other people in the damn country?
I cannot believe I am saying this, but I agree with Donald Trump.
Rape is a huge problem and must be addressed,
But blaming my entire Hispanic culture with the fault of rape,
With no evidence to back it up is absurd.
Tell me Donald. Who have I raped?
" We have some bad hombres here and we're gonna get 'em out."
Am I a bad man?
You are the one who eats my grapes Mr. Trump.
Would you like to pick the grapes for $20 a day?
What bad have I done?
I try to learn English, yet my accent gets laughed at every day
I try to become an American
But you build a wall, keeping me out.
I came here trying to find a better life.
I wanted to find a country that accepted me and treated me fairly.
I expected to have Lady Liberty hug me as I entered
I expected my neighbors to welcome me.
I expected to be paid fairly
Instead I have arrived to anti-Hispanic protests.
They chant about building a wall to keep my people out.
On TV they yell about how I take all the American's taxes
They say that I get rich off American's hard work.
Donald, I sleep on hay not dollar bills.
Donald calls me a rapist,
Yet millions voted for this man.
You must think I am a rapist to.
Donald wants to kick Mexicans like me out,
Yet millions voted for this man.
You must want to kick me out too.
You are the one raping me.
You pay me half of what I am worth,
You are the criminals.
You pay me unfairly
And blame me for all of your failures.
You Americans are criminals and rapists, and some I assume are good people.