I am ProBlack, not AntiWhite....
I am Pro-black.
No that doesn't mean I don't like "your people".
No it doesn't mean I'm racist.
Of course I still respect your race,
I'm just not ecstatic whenever I see you walk past.
Like how your women fear our men when they walk by.
I fear your police when they drive by.
Like when your employers continuously try and kick us out of employment.
I continuously try to get a job every last one of my people has gotten.
It's not the fact that it seems like I hate you.
Or it seems like I have no respect for you.
But where was the respect for my people not too long ago.
I mean the Civil Rights Movement isn't that far in the past.
It's right around the corner.
I fuck with all races not just African-Americans
Just don't fully expect the same activism for when one of yours is killed
Because remember although I'm not Anti-White.
I'm still Pro-black...