I Am Not Yours to Keep
You stiff my breath
Make my throat go numb
I can’t say a word
And you want me say a lot
Why do you have such cruel inflictions on me?
Is my soul not enough for you to keep
The love I had, the joy I had
You take it with you
And that you want more
You want I do things for you
You say to everyone
I am a Botcelli angel for her
But there is no demon greater than the one you keep
I am scared, you will take away my life
I am scared, you will take away my vibes
I am scared, you will take every part of me
And then you leave me in my flesh and bones
That too you now keep?
Tell me I am not yours to keep
Tell me that for sure
I have holes in my chest
Don’t make false promises anymore
When will you leave me ,
When will you leave me alone?
I am not yours to keep
You know that way more
I was your stick and your wall
But I am just not that, that’s not all of me
I need some freedom
I yearn ecstasy
I have a soul to be washed
Remember you made it black?
And then nobody came near me
Since you killed me in a whack
I have secrets in my closet
And you set my words on fire
They don’t matter to you
They just remained there
Nothing more than dust
My life was yours, my mind was yours
I was a slave you never showed openly
Since my secret was hidden
In the collar of your satin sleeve
And then, in the lonely rooms
Your sweet words turned to stone
Your face was so sly
Your walk was so dead
Even spirits bended over
And listened where you went
Now, please leave my feet
That you have latched to your destiny
I am not a part of you
Not yours to keep
Not yours to keep
Not yours to keep