I Am Not You
I look in the mirror
I hate what I see
The person I’m looking at
Can surely not be me?
When did I become this?
I’ve lost track of time
My lips are painted red
Those eyes can’t be mine
This world has tried to change me
Into something I am not
I’m afraid it is succeeding
It is a devastating thought
I feel I am in costume
On display for the world to see
If only they knew the person behind it all
Who goes by the name of Me
My face is covered and painted
My clothes are tight and torn
It takes all my effort
Not to look at myself with scorn
How did I let this happen?
When did I lose my pride?
I want to be myself again
Or at least be able to say I tried
I want to wash off all this makeup
Change out of these clothes I wear
I want to let my hair grow back out natural
And for myself again learn to care
And while I’m washing it all away
I’ll start to feel new and free
A smile will start to appear on my lips
And once again I will be me