I Am Not This Disorder
I laugh when people think it's not so bad
I laugh when they think it's about being neat, and therefore think they have it
I laugh when people throw the term around like it's nothing
I laugh so I do not cry
She's the funniest
She's the prettiest
She's the coolest
She's the saddest
Being a prisoner of your own mind
Is something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy
The ironic part is
I'm my own worst enemy
Exhaustion cannot begin to explain it
I'm sick of being tired
I'm tired of being sick
They say walk a day in my shoes
I say survive a day in my mind
There is nowhere to run
There is nowhere to hide
This monster is on the inside
The words, "I can't do this anymore" push me
Push me over the edge
Push me to keep fighting
Push me to fight harder
Only if my closed door could speak of what happens behind it
Only if my walls could share the secrets I've exposed to them
Only then would people have any idea
I am not my Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
OCD will no longer control me
OCD will no longer scare me
It will, however, make me stronger
It will make me wiser
I wish I had known I was never alone
I wish I had known that there is a light at the end of this dark tunnel
I strive to find this light that is disguised so well
I must accept that OCD will always be apart of me
But no matter how hard it tries
It will not break me
It will not define me
I am not this disorder.