I Am Not an Aetheist

What is religion

If not a mere prison to thines individuality

I do not need faith to teach me morality

In this I do fine


I have turned in my resignation

A postal stamp unto God

If indeed in Hell I wil rot

Without full assurance He is there


One cannot be forced

To suckle on the teet of salvation

If they are not hungry from anticipation

Of what death may bring


Some call me damned

Due to the absence of the Holy Spirit

In my soul because I don't hear it

Though I have tried to answer when it calls my name


In truth I am impartial

I can no longer force myself to gorge

On the false hopes the bible may forge

I am not provided the security of thus cult


For all of the evil

Of which such utter belief in stories

That cannot be viewed other then theories

Of this I cannot support


History has taught me

Not to follow unto the footsteps

Of my peers as they follow their religions map

Because I have chosen to find out when I die


I am not an Aetheist

I prefer the term uncertain

As I have read your scripture and remain

A girl who seeks her own answers




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