I Am a Nineties Kid
I’m a 90s kid in my soul.
I feel like I should’ve grown up
Obsessing over Pearl Jam and
Red Hot Chili Peppers tees.
I should’ve been going to Wheatus,
Weezer, Bush, and Counting Crows concerts.
I should’ve grown up watching
MTV back when it really had music
And crying when Kurt Cobain
Committed suicide.
I should’ve grown up
Wearing flannels and grunge…
I want to wear my hair the way I like it
And wear dark lipstick and no eye shadow
And be a grunge kid
And listen to my music
All the time and be rebellious
But I can’t.
Because that era’s over….
But I was born with it
Already in my heart.
I want to be a part of something
That’s already over and
All because of the music.
But to be honest that music
Has gotten me through more of my life
Than most people.
Can we just please
Make the world simple again?
I don’t know how to be mainstream,
And I never will be.
I can’t pull off modern styles
And listen to most modern music.
I was just not made for this version of the world…
I miss something I was never even alive for.