I Am Lost
As tears fall down my cheek erasing my make-up stained skin,
My finger clicks "delete" that forces the last of my inferior selfies down a cyber bin.
Who am I when I am not pretending and relying on man-made materials to fix me up?
What joys lie in the deepest crevasses of my heart that finds me each day & fills my cup?
I ask myself these questions as I stare at the mirror I had tossed.
I... I am lost.
Scarred by the wounds society has left me.
I am sometimes left defeated by the expectations that our ever changing world pressures me to be.
I would like to say that when I am alone with my thoughts, with nothing but my flesh to cover me; I am strong and confident.
But how can I be, when society makes me feel everything but competent?
I know that letting the expectations of society in my head is no good.
Please make sure you listen well, I do not want to be misunderstood.
It is hard to wear a yellow shirt in a crowd that only wears red.
That is the reason you see that when I am alone with myself, I allow my tears to shed.
All I ask is that before you leave, do not think to look at me cross.
You see it is not my fault, I am just lost.