I am Jacob, but who's that?
Had to write for English,
Everyone has their stories.
Who am I?
They had a life-changing move,
She got in trouble for habitual lying.
Who am I?
I'm the one who looked forward to this,
But I have nothing to write about.
Who am I?
I thought about my life,
Everything was against the odds.
Why am I me?
I didn't fit in,
But I had great friends.
Why me?
I missed homework,
But I'm going to college.
Why me?
Because I'm me.
I didn't have a life changing expirience
because my life never stopped for long enough
to change.
I didn't move but I stayed with my friends,
Sometimes more than my family.
I didn't get in trouble,
Becasue I shaped myself.
I am Jacob, but who's that?
Whoever I want to be.