I, Am I
Many women are ashamed of their bodies.
I was.
I hated my stringbean figure,
My straight hair that never does what it is told,
My thick legs,
My freckles,
My glasses and my eye color.
Some women hate their bodies because of people on tv.
I did.
I saw the perfect painted women in movies,
Their perfect hair that stays in place,
Their thin legs and arms,
Their pale freckleless faces,
Their beautiful unmasked eyes.
Many women are ashamed of their bodies.
I am not.
I love the figure I have been gifted with.
I love my hair that is as stubborn as I,
I love my strong legs,
I love the freckles that are like kisses from angels,
I love my unique glasses and my dark hazel eyes.
Some women hate their bodies because of people on tv.
I do not.
I am different than the women in movies.
Their hair is styled every minute,
Their thin legs and arms are not who they are,
Their faces are coated in dust,
Their eyes are covered in the mask of the media.
I, however, have nothing to cover.
I, am I.
I, and the women of the world, are unique.
We have been gifted with different faces and talents,
We have been given bodies full of love,
We have been given faces that show love,
We have been given eyes that see everyone's flawless beauty.