I am Human.
say something -
let me know that i am still human
that you don't hate me
let me know that you realize i have feelings just like you
smile at me -
a genuine one
greet me by my name
not what you think i deserve to be called
not something that would make me cry
be my friend
i won't hurt you
i won't bite you
i am not evil
i am human just like you
or have you forgotten?
one difference between us
why is there disgust?
and hatred?
and violence?
you want to be loved
as do i
you want to be accepted
and welcomed
as do i
you judge me by your beliefs
by what those around you say
you turn on me just so you can fit in
i get put on the spot for your amusement
like a circus clown taking the center ring
or a trained animal put on for show
shall you continue to ridicule me for others?
does this please you?
i play along to make you happy
because fighting back hurts even more
i smile and carry on
because acknowledging makes me seem weak
i feel the pain
i shed my tears
i hide away
smile at me
call my name
say something that doesn't hurt
i am human
or so the mirror tells me
but what monster are you?