I am the girl
You may not know who I am,
So I will paint you a picture,
In this pretty sweet poerty slam.
I am the girl whose voice has sass.
I can fill you with useless knowledge,
But don't be fooled, I can still kick ass.
I am the girl who will beat you in a video game,
Then go outside and play a game of basketball.
Of course I will win and put you to shame.
I am the girl with insecurites far and wide,
But I won't let that stop me from enjoying life.
Stick with me and you will enjoy the ride.
I am the girl whose hair is not always perfect,
My clothes don't scream money
My body isn't model worthy, but my personality is worth it.
I am the girl who has pride.
I am the girl with no filter.
This is who I am inside.