I Am Eternal
I take a look outside
Look at the sky
Look at the clouds
Look at the grass and trees and flowers
Look at the birds and insects
Now I close my eyes and breathe
I listen as the air enters and leaves my lungs
I listen to the wind
I listen to the chatter
I feel the sun warm my skin
Feel the air move around me
Feel the earth beneath my feet
Feel the gravity
Feel my heart beating
Feel the blood run through my veins
Once I’ve taken these things in
I open my eyes.
This is what it is to live
to exist
to be eternal
Everything I am, with the exception of my consciousness, is eternal.
I have always been
and I always will be
According to the Law of Conservation of Matter
matter is neither
Nor destroyed
It is only changed from one form to another
All the matter that makes up my body
Has always been a part of this world
And as far as I know
It always will be
Every atom of my being
Has traveled the globe
Survived everything that time has thrown at it
Been a part of many other living beings
And somehow wound up
Being a part of me
If atoms could communicate
Imagine the stories they could tell!
Part of me may have once been a mountain
A dinosaur
A king
It’s incredible!
Though the physical form I hold now will one day be but a memory
And some day
Probably forgotten completely
My bones will forever mark my existence here on earth
Even after my
And blood
Are eaten by worms
And dispersed back into the world
My bones will stay as they are
They will make my life undeniably real
They will be my stamp
My life’s seal
My footprint on the sands of time
If people discover my bones in the future
They will wonder who I was
What kind of person I was
How I chose to live my amazing little gift
Called life
And the fun
Will be to let them wonder
The only part of me
That will ever truly die
Is my consciousness
But that’s okay
I am a miracle to even be able to comprehend life
The fact that humans
Are the most intelligent creatures on earth
And that I,
In an incredible improbability
Was born one
Is astonishing
I am so rare
And unique
And amazing
And it took me far too long to realize it
I can think
And understand
And learn
And do
And live as I wish
And I used to take it for granted
It doesn’t matter if I won’t be remembered in a hundred years
I am alive now
And that’s enough
Every living thing eventually dies
Plants will stop providing for their cells and wither away
Animals’ and humans’ organs will stop working
And their consciousness will cease to exist
Their bodies will decay
The human idea of life is like a
Single grain
Of sand on a beach
Or one blink
Of the eye in someone’s whole lifetime
I am so small
And fragile
Yet at the same time
So big and untouchable
I am insignificant, yet amazing
I am simple, yet so incredibly complicated
I am temporary, yet forever
I feel, and I create
I love, and I hate
I give
I take
I cherish
I forget
I experience pain and love and contentment and greed
I am a hero
I am a villain
I laugh
I cry
I want
And I refuse
I was born
And I will die
I am human
And that is beautiful
I live
I exist
And I am eternal