Ten Seconds
Oh how foolish one can become
within the pathetic length of ten seconds
before our eyes within an hour
It is so small and unobserved
and such a short amount of time
but yet an carry within it's hand so much power
How so rapidly does it fade
so far away without a trace
as it appears and then disappears within a flash
how very quickly does it approach
and so suddenly does it attack
and then retreat leaving devastation in it's path
How unpredictable it can be, without warming or no alarm
never expected or never planned within our minds
how very deeply does it reside
within the carves of our past
where man will search with all diligence and never find
Those very seconds that have vanished
yet left behind so much pain
though only measured in comparison to a blink
for how short was the time
but yet so greatly was the cost
of not using those ten seconds
just to THINK.
This poem is about:
Our world