I am buried yet alive (after seeing the movie UNITED 93)
Down down down
The souls rise up
Stirred by the downpour of fear
The planet
Crashes on the beautiful grass
Birth, first crush
That first gig on the boulevard
The death of a dear one in an accident
Internet hiccups
Poor service at the McDonalds
Musings of life
All goes down now
I am not me anymore
What have I become?
I can see through my vision
The universe is on its way
To embrace me
The flight goes down
And I fly up
In the ubiquitous heaven
Beyond life, beyond death
Beyond all the rest
A sad piece of violin string
And I become surreal, resurrected
I become real, majestic
The life goes out from my beloveds’s eyes
The flight of life shudders with a thud
I am buried yet alive
I am buried yet alive