I am Born to Learn
I am born to learn.
By: Laura Hernandez
My first teachers are my parents,
Thanks to them I learned many things
In my first couple of years.
I learned about:
Love, Hate,
Life, Death,
Sharing, Caring,
Accepting, Rejecting.
How to:
Talk, Walk,
Read, Write,
Think, Dream,
And solve problems
Along the way.
I learned about Pain
In its many different ways
I learned about:
Friendship, Enemies,
Lying, Deceiving,
Hitting the bottom,
Getting back up,
And reaching my goals.
I learned to carry my own weight,
The weight of others
And to let go of problems.
What it feels like to be:
Happy, Sad,
Joyful, Angry,
Lifted, Depressed,
Oriented, Confused,
Peaceful, and Free
I learned how to:
Take orders, follow the rules,
Create and destroy.
I learned so far that
I still have many more things to learn
I must let go of the past,
Focus on the present
And look forward to the future.