I am The Book Struggle
You bring me joy but at the same time pain,
You seem to dictate my life as you wish;
But you take it all for your own gain.
I flip your pages trying to retain,
But I soon end up looking like a fish;
You bring me joy but at the same time pain.
The words within make you seem very vain,
You act as if nothing will go amiss;
But you take it all for your own gain.
Your obstinance will soon drive me insane.
I wish I could hit you, you crazy bitch!
You bring me joy but at the same time pain.
You seem to anger me but I remain,
I read only because I must finish
But you take it all for your own gain.
It seems my hate for you will always reign,
My love for you will never diminish;
You bring me joy but at the same time pain,
But you take it all for your own gain.