I am Black
More than the melanin
More than the culture
Brown sugar, chocolate, smoothyand cocoa butter
Coming from the motherland, that's where we originate
Blackness Proud of the heritage my curls of the 4C texture
It grows freely no restriction
Pop culture is culturally appropriating my hair styles
I wear my hair I am ghetto and seen as deviant
It's humid I got that shrinkage
Blackness is scary, seen as a hate, it's to be embraced
Black is beautiful
Not to be degraded
Black child boy or girl
You can do it
Courageous and Strong
The most educated is the black women
Think I am beneath you but I'm on another level
Braids, Hot Comb straightening, Coconut oil is natural hair grease
Prove to me that black lives matter
They matter when you got are rappers, basketball, and football players
Our black tuition money no racial change for people of color
No skin Privilege
No Reverse Racism
Prejudice plus Power
Realize the difference
I am Black and this is a black girls tale