I AM .......Beautiful
I am beautiful like the sea
wonderous like a wave
divne like the sunset
I am gorgoeous in my own right
beauty isnt only superficial
it flows and swirs from the inside
and makes my outer beauty shine like a full moon
my beauty sets me apart from ohers
it isolates me on my own island
others cant see it but then again some can see it
look closely pay attention
and let me brighten up the room
when youre in the dark and wallowing in self pty
look up and find that light thats in you
you may thnk youre the ugliest one in the room
but you dont even know
youre that light eveyone is looking for
i searched near and far
beyond the stars
past jupiter
all the way to mars
when all along it was a knock away
beauty is in me
i am beautiful
inside and out
look closely
dont falter find the light
and youll be alright