I am a Baricade
I am the Barricade
Standing tall in the land
Looking over the little ones in my charge
With loving eyes and ready to fight
I, The Barricade, will face the giants
The ones who hurt us
No war shall wage before me
No blood shall be shed
All who wish the harm the ones within
Must first pass me, The Barrier
I must harden my walls to protect them
To continue to protect myself
Because my charges have not prepared
They will fall if I break
So I must be strong
The weak made strong against the giants
In order to protect my charges
and not break myself
Beneath the crashing waves of attacks
I am the buffer
But now I must leave
As Life calls me to grow up
I have already grown
As life calls me to move
I have always been unmovable
I am afraid to leave my charges
I while I have kept them safe
I have kept them from growing
Just as life calls them to grow
But I know not what it's like
To be open, vulnerable, weak
To let someone in my heart
So I stay a barricade
This poem is about:
My family