I Am
I am persistent.
I lift myself up with prayer and positivity.
Though life may have it out for me--
trying to force me to my end-- I simply can't let that be
for I am strong.
At times my decisions are wrong for the life I once envisioned for myself
but I push through the cloudy days with God, my family, and friends help.
Yes, I make mistakes often, but once it's done, that's that.
I live with it and learn from it, so eventually it will be something to laugh at.
I laugh to keep from crying to keep from screaming; it keeps me sane
but when there's nothing more to laugh at it's okay--
I numb the pain.
It is a skill that I have acquired through years of isolation.
Once I feel my will is breaking I simply take mental vacations.
I'm resilient like a slinky
I fall down but still within me is the ability to come back, you see, like my world was never ending.
Don't you get it now? I am a fighter.
A poetic, little writer.
Life can try to weigh me down with negativity and stress.
It's okay-- I'll work it out and in the end I will be blessed.