I Am From
I am From
Ten acres with a classic red barn in the horizon
Chickens frolicking in the fields, and a rescue deer that responds at the call of his name
Musical instruments hung on the walls and jam sessions with an artistic ponytailed father
Mom whose personality that is crazier than her curly, blond hair
Policeman brother who keeps me inline, and an oldest brother that keeps everyone on their toes
Eliza, Callum and Isabel—a product of my older brother
Sarcastic answers and uncontrollable laughter at birthday dinners
Tears, blood and sweat smeared on a Marley studio floor
Pointe shoes and tutus overflowing a closet that already has too many clothes in it
Living the dreams of little ballerinas everywhere, and feeling like a princess under a spotlight
Small town Armada where it is acceptable to wave to anyone you see
Friday night football games and Saturday night bonfires Netflix while cuddle up with a handful of friends
Three car accidents that were close calls Little red hand me down pickup truck with over 200,000 miles under the hood
I am from a life with many ups and downs, but it is a beautiful life that makes me Cami.