I Am From...
I am from Julia and Kevin, Nancy and Paul, Dot and Fred.
From the Italian countryside, and Cindy Street off Route 9,
From winter’s first snowflakes and baking summer heat with beach days.
I am from Wildwood breakfast eaters, lasagna eaters, pierogi and ravioli eaters.
I am from craziness, loudness, comfort, and confidence.
From driven go-getters working over twenty years past their so-called retirement.
I am from “Treat others how you want to be treated,” and “Speak up for yourself,” and “It’s not my keys, they’re yours,” and “I can’t see through walls.”
I am from no-drinking-or-partying, but staying out until morning is okay, only with good friends, and from learning by doing,
from printers, woodworkers, and teachers.
I am from pink Barbie Jeep, green Toyota Sienna mini-van, and High School Musical.
From three goldfish, one rescue puppy, many mosquito-filled fire pits,
Stars and moonlight over calm ocean waves crashing.
I am from adventure and new beginnings,
from pine and oak, tulip and sunflower,
from Dr. Seuss, Mr. Ray, and Jo Lodge.
My own innocent ride driving against a cast of adults asking why.