I Can't Go To School
I can't go to school because I am sick.
If I walk out of my house, I'll get hit by a brick.
I can't go to school because I am afraid.
While I am there, I'll get trampled by a huge parade.
I can't go to school because the lunch is alive.
It's not real food. It will walk off your plate and take a drive.
I can't go to school because I feel a little blue.
The teachers are mean and students bully me, too.
I can't go to school because I woke up late.
School starting at 7:30 am is not okay.
I can't go to school because I'll have homework to to do.
I can't keep up with all the work and my grades will skew.
I can't go to school because school is boring.
I wonder what other excuses I'll come up with in the morning.