I Am From...
I am from a mother who doesn’t accept me.
I am from a father who accepts to neglect me.
I am from those dark circles surrounding my eyes.
I am from the chipped, black polish on bitten fingers.
I am from the intentional scars and burns.
I am from the anxiety of falling into slumber.
I am from cryptic nights-hectic nights.
I am from sexual assault.
I am from the dim air.
I am from YOUR love.
I am from your arms wrapped around me-
Holding me, assuring me everything is okay.
I am from your warm hands rubbing my back.
I am from your fingers wiping my wet eyes.
I am from those moments where I look at you and feel whole.
I am from the laughter you and I create.
I am from your kind words, your simple reminders-
Took look at the bright side.
With you darling,
I am from the light sky.