I am 18
Does life change,
Will I feel different,
Are the colors still the same,
And the world still go 'round.
Small changes come between each birthday,
1-2 Now I can walk
3-4 I'v done this before
5-6 can I have some help
7-8 look I can skate
9-10 double digets what fun
11-12 I babysit a ton
12-13 boy I'm a teenager
14-15 I start to make money
15-16 Mom can I drive
17-18 Now the time is up,
Childhood is gone,
And now they all expect that,
Adulthood has come.
But do I feel different,
Or is life still the same,
Nothing's really changed.
On this special day.
They expect me to act differently,
From the day I turned 18,
In one day my life will change,
And I'll be brought to maturity,
I don't know why people think that,
One day in my life isn't different,
We celebrate with lots of pomp,
And people ask how I feel,
Is being 18 any different,
From the year before,
At the day's end I ask myself
Has my life really been changed,
By adding on an 8,
And replacing that lonely 7.
Do I feal any different,
After the day's gone by,
Does life still seems the same,
Or has childhood slipped on by.