What am I?
I am running from my problems without moving my feet at all
Holding tears in while they are pouring down my face
Withholding every emotion while screaming out in utter pain
Pushing away everyone around me while begging them to stay.
I am a walking contradiction.
Although my words only show darkness, I possess a powerful light
Happiness dances in my hazel eyes, and sadness pours out of them when they are grey
I am a timeless person standing in a world where time seems to always be limited.
The pain and the heartbreak made the beautiful disaster you see today
Being able to be broken a million times and still fully put together
Able to have a big heart, when I should have no heart at all.
I beat the odds and pushed past the hurt.
I’ve stopped running from my problems, and now I don't have to move my feet at all
I've stopped holding tears in, and began to let them honestly pour down my face
No longer withholding every emotion, and I don't have to scream out in utter pain
Pulling the people around me closer, and allowing them to stay.
I am transforming.