I am...
I am calm like the ocean's waves crashing upon the shore,
with sweet serenity I reflect grace from my inner core.
I am delicate as a flower that sprouts in the spring,
yet strong as a boxer inside a boxing ring.
I am shy like a deer that is spotted in a field,
at times I run or hide to create a sheild.
I am ambitious like a dolphin that glides through the ocean,
Constantly searching for knowledge with full notion.
I am small like a nickle that could be found on the ground,
yet I shine like a diamond in the rough waiting to be found.
I am a woman of color although many do not agree,
my genes are of mixed descent so many people will percieve
that I did not experience racism or maybe discrimination.
But they fail to realize we are all born in the same nation.
I am...... Kayla