I am a martinez
I am relentless
taking on a challenge even if i know i won't be able to comply
I am motivational
pushing others to not give up
when I know thats all I want to do
my mother would describe me as a chubby cheeked girl
my friends call me nice
I keep striving to do better
I remember that things get better with time
I've learned that making mistakes is part of being human
I hide my Emotions
I read books abput high school and life
I shout my name
I am a Martinez
I see that tears run down a face
I hear stories abou their lives
I taste the sorrow
I feel the sadness
I thin deep inside everyone is a good person
I whisper: things do get better
I am a believer
I want to over come the obsicles
I will keep moving forward
I won't ever give up without a fight
I can be strong
I pretend I'm okay
I am taking a look around
I dream of th eperfect place
I am afraid of the things to come
I reach my goals
I say sorry when I feel that I've done wrong
I live my family
I declare for the world to hear the beat of my heart and song