I am..
If there was one word in the dictionary to describe me,
One word.
It would be complicated
because I am.
I am complicated because
I never seem to know what
I'm feeling.
One minute I am happy, then
the next minute I'm struck with
I never seem to know what I want to do.
One minute I want to dance around the
room in a carefree manner
and the next minute I want to sit in
my cozy, warm bed and read.
I am complicated because
One minute I may want to be with you
and the next minute I want you out of
my sight.
I can never seem to stay on one topic.
I like to jump from subject to subject
which makes it hard for people to keep up
with me sometimes and they find me confusing.
Maybe thats the word for me because
no matter how much I try to explain myself
my words all sound like a jumbled up mess
to the untrained ear
You can almost see the mixed up letters tumblling
out of my mouth as I try to form intelligent sentences
that never come.
I may get blank stare or a nod but no other response
which leaves me sitting there wondering why I even opened
my mouth. Why am I so complicated? Confusing? maybe
even a little crazy?
Maybe there is no word to define me or maybe I am
all of the words in the dictionary combined.
All I know is that I am..
I am human.