Why do I keep running?
Running back to you.
I hate you, I love you, But I really
want to hate you.
I can’t…
I don’t know why I can’t…
Why I can’t get rid of you.
Do I even know myself now?
You caused this,
But I let it happen.
Making friends, you despise it.
Being social, you make it hard…
Hard to Breathe.
The Highs and Lows, you caused them.
I don’t know how to rid you.
You make me so weak,
You make me so sick,
You isolate me.
I don’t want you, but you’re in
everything I do
Scared to eat,
Scared to breathe,
Scared to sleep.
Anxiety…I hate you
Self-Issues…I hate you…
I love you
Sociophobia…I hate you
I hate you
So why do I love you
I love you even though
I don’t know myself
Who am I without you?
Who am I with you?
I hate you, but I can’t,
…You’re a part of me
I wanted you to know