Everyone warns you about the strange men you dont know
The ones you meet in the dead of night
In back alleys, following you to your car and spiking your drinks
Everyone forgets to tell you about the boys you meet during the day
The ones you invite to parties
They’ll bring you out on dates
The ones who call you gorgeous and make you feel special
Did you forget
That rotting apples still smell sweet
But he wasn’t bad all the time just some
And I can change him!
Did you forget
You’ve been here before
Kind in one breath then forcing you on your knees in the next
Did it look like I wanted it
When you took me to the basement
Did you forget
Where my fingers made indents into your thighs
Did you feel me pushing you away
While my mind was racing with when is this going to be over
Yours was racing with how can she get me off
Did you forget
We had been here before in the skating rink that you didn't use for skating
Excuse after excuse for the behavior of an animal
All I wanted was to be love
Because after you I couldn’t love myself
Couldn’t tell the difference between the heart and someones lust
And if my body is all I have to offer I would gladly now offer it
To keep the affection of a boy who doesn’t deserve the glint in my eye
As a sacrifice
Why do we have to sacrifice
And if my lips taste all the same to you as sweet honey I’d gladly give them
To keep your eyes looking at me
Only me
Because I was tought at a very young age
If he cant touch me he will surely leave me
If he can’t have me he will surely cheat
Because at 14 I am worth nothing more than a body
I am worth nothing more than how many men will give their eyes to a little girl
They only have one goal and if I can hold off for long enough maybe I can keep the illusion of love just a little longer
I will offer you everything but please do not take my innocence it has already been stolen
Satan left my life sprinkling demons in his wake
And I became the shell of a girl willing to do anything for just a taste of the tree of life
All I wanted was love
All he wanted was sex
Your life was made to create trauma
And mine was made to smile and say yes