The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Once upon a time
A little monster didn't like the dark
This little monster hid under the bed because he was scared
This little monster jumped when he saw his shadow because everyone else did
His feet dragged behind him like two anchors
Maybe it was because he had an extra toe on each foot
Or maybe it was because he didn't want to cross the doors to school
His hunched back let him observe the colorfully painted pavement
All the little flowers and cars drawn on the ground appeared blurry to him becuse he was cross eyed
The little monster unintentionally scraped away at the chalk drawn pictures as his feet dragged behind him
The now muddled drawings looked unrecognizable
Soon after that the whispers started
"Here comes the monster"
"I swear he was in my nightmares last night"
"He looks creepier everyday"
The pavement in front of him soon became masked with his tears
No matter how many times the little mosnter had heard those things his contored lip never
faltered in trembling
Even monsters cry
They looked at him and saw the monster under their bed but in reality they were the monsters under his
The little monster couldn't help not having the tips of his ears
The little monster couldn't help not having normal feet
The little monster couldnt help being cross eyed
The little monster couldnt help being hunched back
The little monster couldn't help being himself
Because this little monster was created by an even bigger monster
The monster called addiction
The monster that haunted his mother while she was pregnant
The bigger monster that made him like this
The bigger monster that wouldn't go away
He was a little monster
One that didn't want be afarid of his shadow anymore
One that wanted friends
Because even a monster gets lonely
Even little mosters need love