This evening came quiet, creeping like a cat
Sneaking up on its forsaken prey
Outside, December’s wintry twilight
Begs an end to this, the shortest day
My thoughts so aimless, I pray a thought
Arise inside me and inspire
So I move, stoke the settled embers,
Add a log, raise up the fire
It’s snapping flames leap again, conspiring
Against those recent added hosts
They dance about like goblins licking,
Belching smoke like holy ghosts
I set a chair and settle in beside the hearth
While on my right are curtains drawn
The blowing, snowing wind to turn
This longest night into a frigid dawn
My left hand mood began to warm but then again
My right was not the same
For from the whiteness of the night
A bare-fleshed feeling on me came
The warm side thankful, humble, grateful
To be alive at such a time, in such a place
While my cold, despicable heart is racked
With thoughts that leave me in disgrace
I ask my maker, a prayer of sorts,
How these two senses exist inside one man
Pleading for a healing to my dueling, busted spirit
That only his divineness can
Humanity, you don’t get off so easy,
There’s a price to pay for knowing what you are
Before temptation claims you pray that
Conscience reels you in or else you go too far
Humanity, spirits duel inside you,
How might you come out on the other side
Insanity, you may win but not without a fight for
I still stab at you with stubborn pride
Awake now, sleep must have come
And not a minute too soon or else who knows
But I’m awake now, my spirit or spirits as it were,
Now inside me oneness grows
The fire that once inspired now only gray
Its embers laying low, concealing heat
And low my soul, concealing but still containing thoughts
My better angels should delete