Many times at night
a little girl wonders,
What in the world is she fighting for?
Disney told her love
But her parents said success
And everyone else said just to fit in
So she tried to look inside
Cuz society said she was pretty
But the little boy she liked
went and told her
You are ugly
Staring at a mirror she began to ask questions
Who I am, is it needed?
Who I am, is it wanted?
So years went by and she stared at pictures
picked up paper
and tried to connect peices
She saw that society's standards had changed
So she became cold and aloof
and plucked her eyebrows
A tear after every pull
and she decided to try for someone else.
So soon success came,
But she was alone
and people who were at others standards
were the ones that had left.
She wrote letters to Disney
and texted angrily to magazines,
Lied to her parents,
acted as if she was happy.
So the little grown girl,
who wondered at night
wondered no more
when she pondered her life.
She forgot to be happy
and she turned life around
said society is wrong
and has a hypocritical view
Disney was fiction
a prince doesn't come
and money is only part of success
so she looked out a window
and she saw an old friend,
One she had left years ago
for her new-found fame
She smiled at her,
But the friend only glanced
Saying you forgot to live your life for yourself.