Do you ever think what's wrong can be right
Although cliche, can it be correct
Some tend to look past what they may not understand
Then come at the end, claiming there's a piece they should collect
They don't invest time or pay to enrich what was sown
They don't care much, in fact they scold
But then when it's all said and done there's a part they own
Give me a hand I just need a start up
Is what some might say
Then when they make it without their help anyway
They still comeback and try say it was luck
Man ain't that a shame
Can't help out a brother or sister without playing the blame game
Walking by one another as if they don't have the same name
Yeah that's what we all are
We all mess up and tend to bear our own scars
Yet we all look up at the same stars
Each night
They're no different whether you're black white
Male or female
Homosexual or heterosexual
Inhale and exhale
Is what we all do
We tend to breathe air
Yet others breath poison into you
But it's what I believe
Is what some people say
How could I love that person
There is no other way
Well hey
That's all find and dandy
You don't really have to compromise your beliefs
But that doesn't mean we can't function smoothly together like coral reefs
We all live here and that's not gonna change
Whether you're a young kid or one with a cane taking rides down memory lane
Just get over it and at least live in peace
You may not agree but that doesn't mean you have to critique...
Each day another brotha is laid to rest
Each day another young bird leaves the nest
All of which misfits and weirdos in their own right
So why make them live in fear until the day they see the bright light
This is how it is, some will say
One person can't change the world we live in today
By I must say, they're right
But mother Teresa said it best
“I alone cannot change the world,
but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”
And yet here we are still and quiet...
Man ain't that a shame
Can't help out a brother or sister without playing the blame game
Walking by one another as if they don't have the same name
This poem is about:
Our world