The Hulkbusters
The supervillains called the Hulkbusters want to destroy the Defenders and I'll tell you why;
It's because the Hulk is part of the Defenders and that's no lie.
The Hulkbusters appear outside of Dr. Strange's house after finding out that the Hulk is there, as you can see;
The Defenders come outside to fight the Hulkbusters and I'm speaking truthfully.
The Hulk delivers a thunderclap to knock down the Hulkbusters, which is great;
The Hulkbusters are villains that the Hulk really hates.
Dr. Strange uses his magic to make the evil soldiers come out of the Hulkbuster suits, which is smart;
After that, the Hulk, the Sub-Mariner, and the Silver Surfer tear the Hulkbuster suits apart.
Dr. Strange also uses his magic to make the evil soldiers turn themselves over to the military police;
The evil soldiers want to make war, not peace.
The Defenders have saved the day;
The Defenders are better than the Avengers and that's all I have to say.