i like hugs.
big bear hugs
hugs that squeeze me so tightly i can feel it the day after
hugs are almost as helpful as the sound of your laughter
when i see you smile i know that im okay
even though everything may change
and really nothing will ever remain the same
but lets just take one second
this second maybe
to stare at each other for hours
i want to just stare at you
stare into your eyes that are crystal blue
oh wait this is creepy.
sorry to bother you but, did you know that i like hugs?
long hugs
the kind that start at dawn and don’t end until next Thursday
wrapped in your arms is where i wish i could stay
i would live in yours arms if i were allowed
with our eyes closed and our heads bowed
i wish this moment could last all day
never ever fading away
oh you’re gone.
how long have I been alone?
so, i like hugs
awkward hugs
the hugs you know were planned over and over
hugs from arms that have waited so long to lock themselves around your body
Hugs that your cheeks bump because you don't know where to put your head
hugs that make you wish you were dead
but you’re glad you aren’t
hugs that warm your heart
hugs that leave you not knowing what to say
hugs that you feel like you should apologize for
hugs that make you want to slam your head in the door
I like hugs,