How teachers Expire me
Brittany Robinson
Packing book bags with notebooks pencils and pens glade that the summer has now ended .
Between August and September brings a happy excited New School Year Right ......
Naw not really see i hate the NEW SCHOOL Year it don't excite me at all.
See i hate meeting new teachers All NEW TEACHERS Epically if thier white, black, Asian ,male ,female or just bold.
See you say take out your notebook paper and write your names
I laugh out loud i would rather want to play candy crush and than i also asked was your teeth brushed, i mean this mooring at least.
Excuse me the teacher would say no excuse me why are you in my face . you talking to me is a waste
Now your ramping and ranging about what type of student am i .
I tell you i wish you would just grow wings and fly out my face .
That would really brighten my day why because i won't have to see you all, all up in my face .
Looking at me like am some type of charity case.Jugeing me by my looks or even the books i bring .
I tell you to leave me the hell alone you must don't get enough love or attention at home .
The teacher say you are besides yourself. i say you don't even fucking know me so please don't judge me .
No i am not a nerd ,nor a teachers pet, and trust me am not going to kiss your ass.
Why to get good grades like all all A s and you teachers walking around looking like you contracted AIDS.
Do i like school No.Do i like teachers HELL NAW
Do i want you all up in my face talking about history this and Tricg that.
Laugh out loud i tell you history you with the back of the desk and trick you with a treat in your lunch box.
Ill hit you with a box of rocks that would be crual and that would be shit you cant say to your teachers in school .