How to Make Lemonade
When life gives lemons,
make lemonade.
Sometimes there are Dead Ends
forced to find another way.
Make lemonade
when thoughts, feelings, and words get s.t.u.c.k.
Forced to find another way,
notebook, paper, and pen-what luck!
When thoughts, feelings, and words get s.t.u.c.k.
some lemons get too sour.
notebook, paper, and pen-what luck!
A new way around the Dead End.
Some lemons get too sour,
poisoning the heart behind a cage.
A new way around the Dead End,
words to erase the daze.
Poisoning the heart behind the cage,
takes time to heal.
Words to erase the daze,
like consuming a warm, homecooked meal.
Takes time to heal,
though, there never seems to be enough
like consuming a warm, homecooked meal,
Poetry- a way to be tough.
Though, there never seems to be enough
pages to keep clean.
Poetry- a way to be tough
putting thoughts and feelings where they are meant to be.
Pages to keep clean,
when life gives lemons.
Putting thoughts and feelings where they are meant to be,
when sometimes there are Dead Ends.