How do you know if you love someone?

Life is full of wonders , good and bad.

Love can make you go mad.

Every time your with someone you love, 

you just want to shove everyone else in the way.

No else matters, this exlcudes family and friends.

You get goosebumbs and the chills when they are around you

and espicially when you feel each other's touch.

Love makes you feel like you will be able to do anything for them.

People say they will die for thier love 

but is this true?

Are you really that much in love with a person that

you are willing to not live in this world anymore?

I would for my family but

I am talking for your significant other.

Love can make you do crazy things and life is about living it to the fullest

and sometimes its okay to take risks. 

That's what life is about.

This poem is about: 
Our world


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