How Do I Save You?

I am away at school

To try to change the world,

To make it a better place

And I feel as if I've learned a lot.


But what good would that do 

If I cannot save you?


What can I do?

I want you to be alive,

I want you to hold on

But I can't do it for you.


I really try to keep you safe,

But I can't shield you from the strafe


Little brother, please open up

I want to be your sanctuary

What is it that you need?

I will do anything


Please, hang on to that slight glimmer of hope

If you squint, you can see it atop of this terrible slope


You have that something in you,

That is too bright to be doused.

Take mine while you struggle to find yours

I will light the way for you in this dank, dark world


You are worth it

Please don't quit


I feel everything you feel,

Especially at night.

When you sneak out to stand on the bridge

And you think you just might.


Know that I am with you,

I'll be there through and through.


I say this because I know,

I know what it is like to be in the dark,


My own light flickering before my eyes


I don't know how to save you.

How do you save someone?

Someone who does not want to be saved?

How do I save you?



How do I save you?

This poem is about: 
My family
Our world


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