How Could I Be Strong If I Had Nothing To Overcome?
The world screams that I am not good enough
That my body, my voice, my personality, my creativity,
Are unacceptably flawed
That I do not deserve to be here
And yet
I am here
I dare to breathe in a world that disapproves of me
I dare to exist simply as myself
And not as a shiny, censored version of me
Imperfectly perfect,
Demanding nothing more than authenticity from myself and those around me
Beautifully ugly,
Struggling through the challenges and obstacles that separate me from my dreams
Some people only want to see the ugly
Because anything else is a threat to their beauty
I will not play that game
Because I don’t understand
Why beautiful things must be compared and ranked,
Stacked against each other to see which one is best
Why they can’t simply exist in the same world side by side
But I choose to let it go
Let them play their games
I dare to live without comparing myself
Without feeling inferior or superior
I can’t say that I’m unafraid
I can’t say that I don’t still drown in my imperfections sometimes
The world will always scream that I am not good enough
That I am unacceptably imperfect
And once upon a time,
I even joined it in tearing myself down
But I am running out of time for apologies
And sorry is not a word that I wish to be remembered by
I know that I have flaws
I have seen them deep inside of me as well as on the surface
I have fought with them
And worked around and through them
Until I know them by heart
And I have come to realize that I will always be flawed in one way or another
I am human
But I am working hard to be the best me that I possibly can be
My perfection lies not in a lack of flaws
But in a presence of strength
To hear my critics
To see my mistakes
To accept my flaws
And overcome them.